Pronoun (సర్వనామము)

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Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun .
నామవాచకానికి బదులుగా ఉపయోగించే పదాన్ని సర్వనమం అంటారు.

Kinds of Pronouns :

Personal Pronoun : (పురుష / వ్యక్తుల బోధక సర్వనామము)
A pronoun used for three persons is known at “Personal Pronouns”.
వ్యక్తుల గురించి తెలియచేయునది.
First person singular : I, me, mine , myself
First person plural : we, us, ours, ourselves
Second person singular : you, you, yours, yourself
Second person plural : you, you, yours, yourselves
Third person singular : he, him, his, himself
                                     She, her, hers, herself
                                     It, it, its, itself

Examples :

She told me a story
I saw you yesterday
They taught us a lesson
I told them my name
I met her in a theatre
It was evening

Reflexive Pronoun : (ప్రతిఫలాత్మక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used with self or selves to  reflect the action of the very on the subject is known as a “Reflexive Pronouns”.

Examples : myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, herself, himself, itself, themselves

I saw myself in the mirror
We hurt ourselves
Your must know yourself
He blamed himself for the delay

Emphatic Pronoun : (నిశ్చయాత్మక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used for the sake of emphasis is known as “Emphatic Pronoun”.
ఏదేని వ్యక్తిని గురించి ప్రత్యేకించి నొక్కి చెప్పినట్లేతే

Examples : myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, herself, himself, itself, themselves

I myself showed you the way
You yourself can explain it to me
We ourselves talked to the P.M

Demonstrative Pronoun : (నిర్ధేశాలిత సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used to point out the person or thing we talk about is known as a “Demonstrative Pronoun”.
ఏదేని వ్యక్తిని, వస్తువును గుర్తించుటకు చూపే సర్వనామము

Examples : this, that, these, those, such, …

This is my friend’s house
These are my teacher’s books

Note : These words may be used as adjective with nouns and they are known as “Demonstrative Adjectives”.

Examples :

This book is very interesting
That girl is very clever
These flowers are lovely

Distributive Pronoun :
A pronoun used to talk about each and very person separately is known as “Distributive Pronoun”.

Examples : each, either, none, everyone, every neither, one, everybody, everything, …

Each should love his own country
Everybody in the house was hungry
Either of you can answer my question

Note : These words may be used as Adjectives with nouns and they are known as “Distributive Adjectives”.

Examples :

Each boy was awarded a diploma
Every Indian is entitled to adult franchise
Neither country accepted the treaty

Indefinite Pronoun :(అనిర్ధేశిక సర్వనామమం)
A pronoun used to talk about a person or thing indefinitely is known as “Indefinite Pronoun”.
ఏదేని వ్యక్తిని, వస్తువును గాని విడివిడిగా చెప్పినట్లేతే

Examples : one, something, anybody, someone, none, somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody, several, …

One has to be careful about ones health
None of my parents is educated
Several Indians are illiterate

Interrogative Pronoun : (ప్రశ్నావాచక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used to make a question is known as an “Interrogative Pronoun”.
ప్రశ్నలు వేయుటకుపయోగించునది

Examples : what, who, whose, whom, which

Who is known as the father of our Nation?
Whom do you want to see?
Which is the longest river in India

Reciprocal Pronoun : (పరస్పర సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used to talk about mutual relationship is known as a “Reciprocal Pronoun”.

Examples : each other, one another

The two sisters loved each other
They cheated one another

Relative Pronoun : (సంబందాల భోదక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used to combine or relate sentences or clauses to together is known as “Relative Pronoun”.

Examples : who, which, as, whom, what, nut, whose, that

The man who cheated you is my aunty
The woman whom you met in the temple is my mother
The poem which I wrote was praised by all

Relative Compound Pronoun : (సంబంధ సమూహ బోధక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun which is compound with the word “ever” is known as a “Relative Compound Pronoun”.

Examples : whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, however, whenever

Whoever speaks the best wins the first prizes
I shall never forget you wherever I go
I shall give you whichever you like

Possessive Pronoun : (స్వామ్య బోధక సర్వనామం)
A pronoun used to express possession or ownership is known as a “Possessive Pronoun”.

Examples : mine, ours, yours, theirs, his, hers, its

Note : my, our, your, his, her, its, there are used before nouns, because they are possessive adjectives and mine, ours, his, yours, its, hers, theirs, are used after nouns because they are “Possessive Pronouns”.

Possessive Pronoun                           Possessive Adjective

This book is mine                                This is my book
The garden is ours                              This is our garden

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